Review - Amara Baby Food!

When Charlie showing interest in eating, we were on holiday. As a newbie mom, I went mostly on instinct to let her try some foods. The safest way I could think to start her on solids was to buy the purée packets from the shop. She loved it! Though this girl has yet to meet a food she doesn't like. :) I kept buying packets because it’s sooo easy and convenient and I couldn’t seem to make my home steamed/blended/mushed veggies or fruit as appealing to her. It wasn’t something I could fully dive into because our time was devoted to packing up our London flat and moving our lives to Utah. Enter Amara ! Their slogan is so true. 'Better for baby. Easy for you!' They sent me some of their pouches to try and I couldn’t wait to see how she would take it. The smell once you open the pouch is undeniably real. Just added water and the purée was the same consistency as if I had made it from scratch! Banana tastes exactly like banana and the oats and berries are d...