Review - Amara Baby Food!

When Charlie showing interest in eating, we were on holiday. As a newbie mom, I went mostly on instinct to let her try some foods. The safest way I could think to start her on solids was to buy the purée packets from the shop. She loved it! Though this girl has yet to meet a food she doesn't like. :)

I kept buying packets because it’s sooo easy and convenient and I couldn’t seem to make my home steamed/blended/mushed veggies or fruit as appealing to her. 
It wasn’t something I could fully dive into because our time was devoted to packing up our London flat and moving our lives to Utah. 

Enter Amara!
Their slogan is so true. 'Better for baby. Easy for you!'

They sent me some of their pouches to try and I couldn’t wait to see how she would take it. 
The smell once you open the pouch is undeniably real. Just added water and the purée was the same consistency as if I had made it from scratch! Banana tastes exactly like banana and the oats and berries are deliciously fruity. Charlie devours the Applesauce with Moqui Berry barely waiting after swallowing before demanding the next bite.

Charlie ate the well-portioned meals so well that I knew this would be perfect for our trip to Hawaii. 
And I was right! Not only was it beyond easy to pack but I had a couple of pouches in my diaper bag at all times so that whenever we went out to eat (which is basically every meal on vacation, right??) I just pulled out a pouch for Charlie and fed her from my appetiser plate while waiting for my entree. Easy breezy, nutritious AND I avoided the kids meals ($8-12 a plate) only 1/5 of which this baby would have been able to eat. 

Freeze-dried REAL food that just needs some water and presto! Once I got the mixing right, it was just like I’d made it from scratch. The instructions couldn't be more simple and following them precisely makes both me and baby very happy!

Amara baby food will definitely be making the next trip with us. Thank you, Amara!


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